It's my sincere joy to share that I'll be hosting an editing workshop focused on surrealist exercises this summer. This is a craft and editorial working space. What to expect?

  • Learn surreal generative and editing techniques
  • Reframing an existing piece of work using surreal editorial techniques
  • Build and edit a communal poem
  • Receive a digital chap of surreal editing prompts
This event will be held virtually and is sponsored by The Luminaries Poetry Workshop series. The core focus of this event will be finding doors and removing masks. To that end, masks, costumes, and strangeness, in general, is high key encouraged. We meet at midnight (EST); be prepared to dig, build, and share together. (AND IT'S A NEW MOON? WHAT!!)

To sign up for an email reminder when registration opens for this workshop, please share your email address below: 


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